t-tabel (2,284 > 2,020). Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dari penggunaan metode CTL terhadap kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris. Menurut data di atas dapatlah dibuat kesimpulan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif pada penggunaan metode CTL terhadap kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris pada siswa kelas VIII di SMP Islam Rengasdengklok Karawang tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 Inggris : NINGSIH, EVI RESTI. "The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Method in toward Writing Ability (The Research on the Second Years Students of SMP Islam Rengasdengklok - Karawang in Academic Year 2009/2010)". Thesis. 2010. Strata 1 Program. English Department, Faculty of Educational and Teaching Training, Pancasakti University Tegal. Key word : The effect CTL method, English writing ability. The objective of this research is to know whether there is any positive effect of using the CTL method toward writing ability to the second year students at SMP Islam Rengasdengklok - Karawang in academic year 2009/2010. Based on the research, hipotesis is formulated as follows: "There is a positive effect of using the CTL method toward writing ability of the second year student of SMP Islam Rengasdengklok - Karawang in academic year 2009/2010." The population of this research is all the first year students of SMP Islam Rengasdengklok - Karawang in academic year 2009/2010. Whereas the sample is taken randomly. There are two groups for the sample, the experiment group and control group. Before measuring the learning achievement of the both groups, the test item is given firstly to 20 students to know its validity and reliability. From the result of statistical analysis the value of t-ration is 2,284 whereas the value of t-table with dk 48 on the signification degree 5% is 2,020. So t-ration < t-table (2,284 > 2,020). Based on the data above it can be concluded that there is positive effect of using the CTL method toward writing ability of the second year students achievement of SMP Islam Rengasdengklok - Karawang in academic year 2009/2010." />