2,021). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengajaran reading dengan menggunakan metode cooperative learning terbukti efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan reading Bahasa Inggris pada siswa SMP kelas VII MTs Al-Khaeriyah Tarub - Tegal Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Inggris : Eti Tarningsih. 2010. NPM: 1605501260. "The Effectiveness of implementing Cooperative Learning method in teacing Reading to the seventh year students of SMP. (An Experiment in MTs. Al-Khaeriyah Tarub - Tegal The Academic year 2009/2010)". Thesis Undergraduate program faculty of education and teacher training, Pancasakti Univercity Tegal. Key Word : Effectiveness, Cooperative Learning, teaching and learning, Reading The objective of the research is to recognize the Effectiveness of using Cooperative Learning method in teacing Reading to the seventh year students of SMP. An Experiment in MTs. Al-Khaeriyah Tarub - Tegal The Academic year 2009/2010. Based on the theoretical background and the theories of language teaching, the hypothesis of this research is as follows : The using cooperative learning method is effective in teacing reading to the seventh year students of MTs Al-Khaeriyah Tarub - Tegal the academic year 2009/2010. The population of this research is all students in the seventh year in MTs Al-Khaeriyah Tarub - Tegal the academic year 2009/2010, the population consists of 108 students and 60 of them are taken as sample that are divided in two groups. Each group has 30 students, the first group is the group of sample which is taught by using cooperative learning method, while the second group is the group of sample which is taught by using the method of speech . The result of analysis shows that ttest is 2,848 whereas ttable is 2,021 at degree of freedom (dk) 58 and the significant level 5%. Than it is proved research hypothesis is accepted because the result of ttest is bigger than ttable (2,848 > 2,021). It can be concluded that the teaching reading by using cooperative learning method is effective in improving english reading ability to the seventh year students of MTs Al-Khaeriyah Tarub - Tegal the academic 2009/2010." />