2,021). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa media chart sangat efektif dalam pengajaran kosakata bahasa inggris untuk siswa kelas V di SDN 02 Kebon Gede Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 . Berdasarkan kesimpulan diatas, penulis menyarankan bahwa untuk memperoleh peningkatan yang baik dalam penguasaan kosakata, lebih baik menggunakan media chart karena siswa dapat mengeksplor kemampuan mereka sendiri khususnya dalam kosakata. Inggris: IKA DINASIH. 2010. Thesis.The effectiveness of using charts media in teaching vocabulary for The Fifth Grade Students of SDN 02 Kebon Gede Pemalang in Academic year 2009 / 2010. Program Of Strata one faculty of Education and Teaching Training Pancasakti University Tegal. Key word : Using charts, teaching vocabulary, and English vocabulary skill. The purpose of this reseach is to know wheater there is positive influence in English vocabulary skill using charts to students the fifth grade student of SDN 02 Kebon Gede - Pemalang in academic year 2009/2010. Based on the theoretical background, the hypothesis of this research is purposed as follows: Using charts media in teaching vocabulary is effective in teaching english for the fifth grade students of SDN 02 Kebon Gede. The population of this research is all of students in the fifth grade of SDN 02 Kebon Gede - Pemalang in academic 2009/2010. The total is 60 students. The writer uses random sampling technique to choose research sample. The number of sample is 60 students. 30 students as the experiment group (The students who are taught by using charts). 30 students as the control group (the students who are taught without charts). The writer uses vocabulary test as research instrument. The test needs 60 minutes to do. The type of the test is multiple choice with four answers option A, B, C and D. to recognize the validity and reliability of the instrument, the writer tried out the instrument by giving test to thirty student having the same competence with the sample of the study. The data of the research are gained from the result of the vocabulary test done of the sample of the research. Data analysis of the research is tested by using t-test. Based on the data analysis t-ratio are 3,103 whereas t-table with degree of the freedom (dk) 58 on the level significant of 5 % is 2,021. it shows that t-ratio is higher that t-table (3,103 > 2,021). It could be concluded that the student who are taught by using Charts media in teaching english vocabulary is effective for the fifth grade students of SDN 02 Kebon Gede-Pemalang in academic 2009/2010 According to the conclusion above, the writer suggests to get a good achievement of vocabulary mastery, it is better to use chart media because the students can explore their own ability especially in vocabulary" />