2,000. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ada perbedaan teknik membaca cerpen berbahasa Inggris yang signifikan antara siswa yang diajar dengan menggunakan teknik membaca cerpen berbahasa Inggris dengan siswa yang diajar dengan tidak menggunakan teknik membaca cerpen berbahasa Inggris. Inggris : SAMIASIH, DEWI. 2010. "The Effectiveness of Applying Technique Read in Teaching Reading on the Eight Grade Student (The Experimental Study in Eight Grade of MTs. Ciptasari Cenggini Balapulang in the Academic Year 2009/2010)". Thesis. Strata 1 Program. English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal. Fist Advisor: Drs. Rofiudin, M.Hum, Second Advisor: H. Sumartono, S.Pd. Key word : Reading sklill, technique read, teaching reading, and English short story. The objective of this research is to know whether there is significant difference of students technique reading achievement of the MTs. Ciptasari Cenggini Balapulang in the academic year 2009/2010 between students who are taught by using technique reading English short stories and those who are taught without technique reading English shor stories. The population of this research is all the eight grade students of MTs. Ciptasari Cenggini Balapulang Tega. The number of the population is 136 students in this research the writer takes 60 students as the sample. The sample of students is devided into two groups. Each group consists of 30 students. The first group is experiment group who are taught by using technique reading English short stories and the second group is the control group consisting of students who are taught without technique reading English short stories. The data of this research is taken from the result of the test given to the students. Data analysis of this research is tested by using t-test to see the different of the means of the two groups. The mean of experiment group is 7.16 and the mean of the control group is 6,51. The result if t-ratio is 3.515 and in the significant level 5% with degree of freedom is (58) it that t-hitung is higher than t-table (3,515 > 2,000). The conclusion of this research is there is significant difference of the students technique reading achievement between those who are taught by using technique reading English short stories and those who are taught without technique reading English short stories." />