2, 021). Hal ini berarti bahwa terdapat prestasi yang tinggi dalam pengunaan pendekatan komunikatif pada pengajaran speaking pada siswa-siswi MAN Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal tahun pelajaran 2009/2010. Inggris : MUFRODI. 1606501390. 2010. The Effectiveness of Communicative Approach in Teaching Speaking to The Second Grade Students of MAN Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal in academic year 2009/2010. Thesis. Strata I Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal. Keywords: Communicative approach, teaching, speaking skill. Speaking ability is a language skill that is very important. But, teaching speaking does not show good result yet. Therefore, speaking teaching needs an appropriate approach or method. The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of the use of communicative approach in teaching speaking to the second grade students of MAN Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal in academic year 2009/2010. Based on the review of related literature and logical frame work, the hypothesis of the research proposed as follows: "The use of communicative approach is effective in teaching speaking to the second grade students of MAN Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal in Academic year 2009/2010" The population of this research is the second grade students of MAN Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal and the total number of the students is 90. The writer uses random sampling technique to choose the sample of the study. The number of sample is 40 students. The sample consists of two groups, namely the experimental and control groups; each group consists of 20 students. The experimental groups are the students who are taught by using communicative approach and control groups are the students who are taught by using genre based approach.. The writer uses test as the instrument of the research. The test takes 5 until 7 minutes to do. The type of the test is speaking test, namely interview and picture identification. To know the validity and reliability of the instrument, the writer had tried out the instrument by giving the test to 15 students who have the same competence with the samples of study. The data of the research are gained from the result of speaking test done by sample of the research. Data analysis of the research is using t-test. Based on the results of data analysis t-ratio is 2, 7098. On the level of significance 5% and the degree of freedom (df) is 38 the t-table is 2, 021. It shows that t-ratio is higher than t-table (2, 7098 > 2, 021). It means that there is higher achievement in the use of communicative approach in teaching speaking to the second grade students of MAN Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal in academic year 2009/2010." />