2,002). Jadi dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa "Terdapat pengaruh positif terhadap siswa yang diajar menggunakan teknik probing pada pengajaran bahasa inggris siswa kelas tujuh MTsN-Tegal, daripada siswa yang diajar menggunakan teknik jigsaw ". Inggris : EVI AGUSTINA. 2010. 1606501378 : " The Effectiveness of Probing Technique on the Teaching of English for the Seventh Grade Students of MTsN-Tegal. An Experience Research at the Seventh Grade Students of MTSN-Tegal in Academic Year 2009/2010 ". Thesis Strata 1 Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal. Key words: Probing Technique, Teaching English. The Objective of this research is to know about the effectiveness The Effectiveness of Probing Technique on the Teaching of English for the Seventh Grade Students of MTsN-Tegal. Based on the review of related theory and logical frame work, the research hypothesis is proposed as follows; There is a positive effect in the students who are taught use probing technique on the teaching of English for the seventh grade of students of SMP/MTsN Tegal Academic year 2009/2010 , than the students who are taught use Jigsaw technique". The population of this research is the seventh grade students of MTsN-Tegal. The total number of the students is 337 students. The writer uses random sampling technique to choose the sample of the study. The number of the sample is sixty students. The sample consists of two groups, and each group contains 30 students. The experiment group is the students who are taught by Probing Technique as the fist group and the control group is the students who are taught by Jigsaw Technique as second group. The writer uses a test as the instrument of the research; the test takes 70 minutes to do. The instrument of test use English test, the type of test is multiple choices and speaking test. Multiple choice with four options A, B, C, and D and speaking test use a short conversation, to know the validity and the reliability of the instrument. The data of this research are gained from the result of English test done by sample of research. Data analysis of this research is tasted by using t-test. Based on the result of data analysis t-ratio is 2,428 Whereas t-table with the degree of freedom is 58 on the level of significance of 5%, t-table is 2,002 it shows that t-ratio is higher than t-table ( 2,428> 2,002). Thus the conclusion of this research is There is a positive effect in the students who are taught use probing technique on the teaching of English for the seventh grade of students of SMP/MTsN Tegal Academic year 2009/2010 , than the students who are taught use Jigsaw technique"." />