2,000). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan "Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran PQ4R memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap Kemampuan Reading siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri I Bulakamba Kabupaten Brebes Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Inggris : LUTFIATI AGUSTINA, 2010."The Effect of Application of PQ4R Teaching Method toward Reading Mastery of Class VII Students of SMP Negeri I Bulakamba in Academy Year 2009/2010". Thesis. English Departement. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Pancasakti University Tegal. Key Word : Application of PQ4R Teaching Method, Reading Mastery of Class VII Studen of SMP. The objective of this research is to get information whether there is possitive effect of application of PQ4R Teaching Method toward Reading Mastry of Class VII Student of SMP Negeri I Bulakamba in Academy Year 2009/2010. Based on theoretical background, the research hyphotesis in proposed as follows" Application of PQ4R Teaching Method has possitive effect on Reading Mastry of Class VII student of SMP Negeri I Bulakamba in Academy Year 2009/2010/ The population of this research is alla of students of Class VII SMP Negeri I Bulakamba with the total number of 318 students and divided into eight class, with six class it total number 40 students and two class with tioral number 39 The writer takes sample only two class with the total number 60 students. They are divided into two group. Each group consist of 30 students, the first group is the experiment group is control group with student group who are taught by using Convemsional Method. They analyze of dta by using t-test formula, the result of data analysis shows that t-ratio is 3,382 with 5% confidence level, and with the degree of freedom(58) t-tabel is 2,000, Then, it shows that t-ratio is higher than t-table (3,382>2,000) This could be concluded that "Application of PQ4R Teaching Method gives positive effect to the student of class VII SMP Negeri I Bulakamba in Academic Year 2009/2010"." />