2,021). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara siswa yang diajar memanfaatkan media lingkungan dengan siswa yang diajar dengan media gambar. Maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa hipotesis nol (Ho) ditolak dan hipotesis penelitian (Hi) diterima. Inggris : PIPIT RIAWAHYUNI: "The Influence of Using Environment Medium on English Vocabulary Achievement to The Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School. (An Experimental Research at SD Negeri Pulogading 01 and SD Negeri Pakijangan 01 Kabupaten Brebes in Academic Year 2009/2010)". Thesis. 2010. Strata I Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Pancasakti University Tegal. Key Words: The influence, using environment medium, vocabulary English achievement. The objective of this research is to know the influence of using environment medium on vocabulary English achievement to the fifth grade students of elementary school in academy year 2009/2010. The writer uses the random sampling technique to choose the sample of the research. The number of the sample is 60 students. In which from the samples, the writer divides into two groups consisting of 30 students, they are 30 students who are taught by using environment medium as the experimental group (I) and 30 students who are taught by using picture medium as control group (2). Based on the theory and logical frame work the research hypothesis is proposed as follows "There is positive influence of using environment medium on English vocabulary achievement to the fifth grade students of elementary school. The writer uses a test as the instrument of the research, the written test consists of 30 items in multiple choice types with four option. The test needs 60 minutes to do. To know the validity and the reliability of the instrument. The writer had tried out the instrument by giving a test to 20 students out sample who have the same competence with the sample of research. The result of descriptive analysis shows that on the level of significance five percent (5%) and free degree 58, the result of t-test is 2,211 and t-table is 2,021. So the result of t-test is higher than t-table (2,211 > 2,021). So, the result of this research shows that there is significant difference between the students who are taught by using environment medium and the students who are taught by using picture medium. The writer concludes that the hypothesis of null is rejected and the hypothesis of research is accepted" />