2,021 artinya (Ha) diterima dan hipotesis nihil ditolak. Jadi kesimpulannya,bahwa penggunaan adventure short story sebagai salah satu alternatif bacaan dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris cenderung lebih efektif diterapkan pada siswa kelas VIII MTs. Asy-Syafi'iyyah Jatibarang, tahun ajaran 2009/2010 Inggris : Wiyanto, Didi. "The Effect of Using Adventure Short Story as the Teaching Materials toward the Reading Comprehension Achievement to the Eight Year Students During the Second Semester of MTs. Asy-Syafi'iyyah Jatibarang in Academic Year 2009/2010." (2010) Thesis. Strata 1 Program. English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal. Consultant I: Drs. Rofiudin, M.Hum, II: Sumartono, S.Pd. Key words: Adventure short story, teaching materials, reading comprehension.. The population of this research is all students of the Eight year at Mts. Asy-Syafi'iyyah Jatibarang in the academic year 2009/2010,which consists of 287 students and there are divided into seven classes. The sample of this research consists of 40 students, which are taken from the population by using random sampling technique. The sample are divided into two groups, the experiment group who are taught reading by using adventure short story and the control group who are taught by using explanation. And each group contains 20 students. The writer uses reading test as the instrument of the research. To know the validity and reliability of the instrument, the writer tries out the instrument by giving test to 20 students having the same competence with the sample of the study. Data analysis in this research is tested by using t-test method, to determine wheater there is significantly different result among the two groups or not. The result of this research is that tdata is 2,870 and then it is consulted with ttable. After it is consulted with ttable by df 38 on degree 5% ttable is 2,021 based on the analysis, tdata is greater ttable (2,870>2,021) it means that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Thus the using of Adventure short story as the reading material is more effective in teaching materials to improve the reading comprehension achievement to the eight year students during the second semester of MTs. Asy-Syafi'iyyah Jatibarang in academic year 2009/2010" />