1,645). Itu berarti bahwa ada pengaruh positif pada kemampuan vocabulary siswa, dengan kata lain siswa - siswa yang menyusun kamus manual secara mandiri sebagai kebiasaan akan memiliki kemampuan vocabulary yang lebih baik dari pada siswa yang tidak menyusun kamus manual dalam belajar bahasa Inggris terutama dalam belajar kosa kata. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah " bahwa penyusunan kamus manual memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap kemampuan vocabulary siswa kelas XII di semster kedua dari SMK Nurul Islam Larangan Brebes tahun akademik 2008/2009 Inggris : SYARIPUDIN : The Effectivity of The Propose Manual Dictionary on The Student Vocabulary Ability at Class XII on SMK Nurul Islam Larangan Brebes in Academic Year 2008 / 2009. English Departement Strata I Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Pancasakti University Tegal. Key words : The Effectivity of The Propose Manual Dictionary on The Student Vocabulary Ability. The objective of the study is to know about the effectivity of the made manual dictionary on the student vocabulary ability at class XII on SMK Nurul Islam Larangan Brebes in academic year 2008/2009. Based on the review of the teory and logical framework the hypothesis of the research is proposed as follow : " there is positive effect on the propose manual dictionary on the student vocabulary ability. In other words, the students who are proposed manual dictionary by them self as habitually action will be have high vocabulary ability than those are not proposed manual dictionary on learning English language specially on learning vocabulary. The population of this research is the twelve year students of SMK Nurul Islam Larangan Brebes and the total of the students is 320. The writer used random sampling technique to choose the sample of the study. The number of the sample is sixty students. The sample consists of two groups, the experiment group is the students who are proposed manual dictionary and the control group is the students who are not proposed manual dictionary. The writer used test as instrument of the research, the test took 90 minutes to do. The test is multiple choices with five options A, B, C, D and E and essay test that consists of vocabulary test. The total of the test is 110 questions. To know the validity and reliability of the instrument, the writer had tried out the instrument by giving test to the thirty students having the same competence with the sample of the study. The data of the research are gained from the result of English test done by the sample of the research during the second semester. Data analysis of the research is tested by using t- test. Based on the result of the data analysis t- ratio is 5,3743 on the level significance 5% and degree of the freedom (df) 58 the t - table is 1,645. It showed that t- ratio is higher than t- table (5,3743 > 1,645). It means that there is a positive effect of that on the students vocabulary ability , In other words, the students who are proposed manual dictionary by them self as habitually action will have high vocabulary ability than those are not proposed manual dictionary on learning English language specially on learning vocabulary. The conclusion of this research is " that the propose manual dictionary gave positive effect on the students vocabulary ability of twelve year students in the second semester of SMK Nurul Islam Larangan Brebes academic year 2008/2009." />