rtabel pada taraf signifikansi 1% = 0,393 yang berarti ada hubungan ynang signifikan antara prestasi belajar Pendidikan keawarganegaraan (PKN) dengan perilaku siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Taman Pemalang pada Semester 1 tahun pelajaran 2009 / 2010. Bagi guru PKn, hendaknya memberikan materi secara lebih bermutu dengan focus meningkatkan kualitas perilaku dan moral siswa, sehingga setelah lulus nanti dapat menjadi manusia Indonesia yang seutuhnya. Selain itu juga diharapkan guru dapat dijadikan sebagai teladan dan pedoman perilaku bagi siswa-siswanya. Bagi siswa, hendaknya belajar lebih tekun lagi pada mata pelajaran PKn serta menerapkan nilai-nilai luhur yang terkandung dalam pembelajaran PKn dalam mkehidupan sehari-hari. Bagi keilmuan, hendaknya hasil penelitian ini dijadikan sebagai dasar sumber literature bagi penelitian dimasa yang akan datang. Selain iti perlu dilakukan penelitian dimasa yang akan datang mengenai upaya guru PKn dalam meningkatkan kualitas moral dan perilaku siswa. Inggris : Sadwinarni. P, Retno. 2010. Relationship between Academic Achievement and Civic Education (PKn) with Students Behavior in VII Year Students of the State Junior High School 1 Taman Pemalang in Academic Year 2009/2010. The thesis of Civic Education Program, Teacher Faculty and Education Pancasakti University of Tegal. Key Word: Learning Achievement Civic Education, Students Behavior. This research raised the question of "Whether there was a significant relationship between students achievement in civic education (PKn) in VII year students of the State Junior High School 1 Taman Pemalang in academic year 2009/2010. This research aims to identify and analyze the significance of therelatonship between learning achievement in civic education (PKn) with students behavior in VII year students of the State Junior High School 1 at Taman Pemalng in academic year 2009/2010. This research is explanatory research (explicative) using correlation research with the subject from VII year students of the State Junior High School 1 Taman Pemalang in academic year 2009/2010 a number of 42 students or 15% from the overall number of population (286 students) which were collected by using the technique of proportional random sampling. As for the data collection method used is documentation. The analysis of data using analytical technique of correlation Pearson Moment (PPM). The result showed that the acquisition value of the correlation or relationship between learning achievement in civic education with students behavior in class VII year students of State Junior High School 1 Taman Pemalang in academic year 2009/2010. A number of 0,648 can be interpreted in a positive strong. From hypothesis testing results obtained vaolue rxy= 0,648 > rtabel on significance level 1% = 0,393 which means there is a significant relationship between learning achievement in civic education with students behavior in class VII year students of the State Junior High School 1 Taman Pemalang in academic year 2009/2010. For teachers should provide a better quality materials with a focus on improving the quality of behavior and students, so after graduation can be a whole Indonesian people. It also expected that teachers can serve as role models and code of conduct for their students. For students, should study more diligently again on the subject of civic education and apply the lofty values embodied in civic education learning everyday performance. For the scientific community, this research sould serve as the basic and sources of the literature for the research in future. In the other hand it needs to do research in the future regarding efforts to improve quality of civic education teacher morale and students behavior." />