ttabel = 2,000 yang berarti hipotesis nihil yang menyatakan "Tidak ada perbedaan terhadap siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan motivasi belajar PKn melalui pemberian hadiah di SMP Negeri 1 Comal Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 adalah ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif yang menyatakan "Ada perbedaan terhadap siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan motivasi belajar PKn melalui pemberian hadiah di SMP Negeri 1 Comal Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Saran yang diberikan adanya dukungan dalam motivasi belajar PKn terutama di SMP Negeri 1 Comal Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010, hendaknya guru di dalam peningkatan motivasi belajar PKn melalui pemberian hadiah, hendaknya siswa senantiasa mentaati semua peraturan disekolah terutama mengenai pembinaan di seolah dan penerapan motivasi belajar PKn melalui pemberian hadiah. Inggris : SUGIYANTO, 2010. NPM : 1208500763 Title Skripsi "Strive the Make-Up Of Motivation Learn The PKN of Through/ Passing Gift Have Prize At Student of Class of VII SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010. Keyword : Motivate, Learn the, Present Internal issue Formulation this research is whether/what through/ passing present gift can improve the motivation learn the PKN of at student of Class of VII SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010 ?". Target in this research is to know the sejauhmana of present gift can improve the motivation learn the PKN of at student of Class of VII SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010. Hypothesis in this research is 1) Nul Hypothesis ( H0) of there no difference which signifikan motivate to learn the PKN of student of class of VII SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010 among/between before and hereafter present gift 2) There is difference which signifikan motivate to learn the PKN of student of Class of VII SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010 among/between before and hereafter present gift. Population in this penelitia that is entire/all student of class of VII SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010 a number of 320 people. As sampelnya specified by 48 one who is specified by random through/ passing PKN Analysis method used by is technique of analiis of difference of pre-test and post-test one group design of through/ passing t-tes. Result of data analysis from calculation t test obtained by value thitung of equal to 16,079. the value Thitung later;then consultancy by t-table at level signifikan 95% or (5%) with the degree of freedom of N-1 or 60-1 = 59 where obtained by ttabel = 2,000, in the reality thitung = 16,079 > ttabel = 2,000 meaning nul hypothesis expressing " There no difference to student of before and is hereafter given by a motivation learn the PKN of through/ passing gift have prize in SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010 is refused and accept the alternative hypothesis expressing " There is difference to student of before and is hereafter given by a motivation learn the PKN of through/ passing gift have prize in SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010. Suggestion given by the existence of support in motivation learn the PKN especially in SMP Country 1 Comal of Regency of Pemalang of School Year 2009 / 2010, shall learn in make-up of motivation learn the PKN of through/ passing present gift, student shall ever adhere all regulation at school especially hit construction in likely and applying motivate to learn the PKN of through/ passing present gift." />