ttabel. Sehingga Ho ditolak dan berarti Ha diterima. Dari hasil tersebut penulis mengambil kesimpulan bahwa adanya peningkatan hasil belajar pada mata pelajaran IPS siswa kelas VIII SMP Muhammadiyah Kramat Kabupaten Tegal setelah melakukan penelitian dengan membandingkan metode pemberian tugas dan metode role playing. Inggris : FELA MAULINDA, 2010. Comparison between qiving an assignment method with role playing method on IPS Subject for class eighth at SMP Muhammadiyah Kramat Kabupaten Tegal Periode 2009/2010. Script : Institusion educatioan and educatioan science Pancasakti University. Password : Assignment method and role playing method. This applied research to know the problem about "is there comparison between emploving giving an assignment method to role playing methode to get result in IPS subject for class eighth at SMP Muhammadiyah Kramat kabupaten Tegal periode 2009/2010. And to make understand how different methode between giving as assignment method and Role Playing method for class eight at SMP Muhammadiyah Kramat kabupaten Tegal periode 2009/2010. In this research taking place at SMP Muhammadiyah Kramat kabupaten tegal periode 2009.2010 as subject research are all student class eighth a 60 students, because in the pupolation researen < 100 pointed as example. In research the student devided two part or class. Both are class eighth A total 30 studends as experiant class and class eighth B total 30 studends as control class. Saed study result from 30 students class eighth A as experiment club average result get 74,34 if use giving an assighment methode. Amount value student use this methode 2233 and amount average value using giving an assignment 736.4, while from 30 students class eighth B as control club average study value affer studying use role playing method 2120. And amount average value class using role playing model 606.67, from this counting result so can known amount value t : 3,040. Value t consulated ttabel : 2.002 the t result >t table. So Ho repected and ha accepted . From this process the writer form aknot. There is in creasing quality value in IPS subject for class eight SMP Muhammadiyah Kramat Kabupaten Tegal. After using giving an assignment method and role playing method." />