dari ttabel = 2,70 yang berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan antara hasil pre test dengan post test signifikan, artinya hipotesis nihil ditolak dan menerima hipotesis alternatif yang menyatakan bahwa" "Remedial teaching pada mata pelajaran IPS ekonomi terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas VII semester II Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 di SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi sudah efektif". Dari serangkaian proses analisis dan hasil perhitungan baik dari thitung maupun dilihat dari ttabel serta dari pengujian hipotesis yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara empiris pengajaran remedial mempunyai pengaruh positif dan mempunyai peranan terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa terhadap mata pelajaran IPS Ekonomi pada siswa kelas VII semester II SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010. Peranan tersebut ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan perolehan prestasi IPS Ekonomi, di mana sebelum pengajaran remedial diperoleh nilai hasil nilai tes formatif dengan rata-rata sebesar 56,57 setelah diadakan pengajaran remedial prestasi belajarnya meningkat menjadi 72,10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengajaran remedial memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam mencapai ketuntasan belajar. Dengan demikian disarankan agar pengajaran remedial dapat dilaksanakan di sekolah untuk membantu siswa mencapai ketuntasan belajar. English : SUSILAWATI. 2010 "EYE ON THE EFFECTIVENESS remedial teaching LESSONS ON ECONOMIC RESULTS OF STUDENT LEARNING" (Empirical Studies in Class VII Student Semester two SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi regency Tegal Academic Year 2009/2010). Thesis, FKIP Economics Education Studies Program University Pancasakti Tegal. Supervising I. Dra. Hj. Faridah, M.Si; II. Dewi Amaliah Nafiati, S.Pd. Keyword: Remedial Teaching, Student Learning Outcomes. Remedial teaching is very important in achieving good learning outcomes. But there are many variables which influence the mastery learning. One of them is remedial teaching. This study aims to find out the extent of remedial teaching can affect student achievement of mastery learning. Research carried out in SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi Tegal regency district test score data research student who have not reached the value of completed and the data value after remedial held to reach a minimum value of completeness criteria are as follows: Based on count oft test t obtained value of 36.11. tcount it consulted with the table t, with degrees of freedom (db) = N-1 = 40-1 = 39 at 99% significance level or = 1% is obtained for 2.70 ttable reality from the calculation result obtained by value t = 36,11 > from ttable = 2.70, which means it can be concluded that the difference between the pre test and post test significant, meaning that null hypothesis is rejected and accept the alternative hypothesis whit states that "there is the effectiveness of student learning outcomes on Econoomic Social Science subject between before and after given remedial teaching in the second semester of seventh grade student of SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhturi Academic Years 2009/2010. From a series of process analysis and calculation of both t and views from ttable and of testing hypotheses that have been done , it can be concluded that empirically remedial teaching has a positive influence and has a role increasing student achievement on Economic Social Science subject in class VII Junior High School 1 Dukuhturi second semesterAcademic 2009/2010. The role is shown by the increased cost of Economic Social Science achievement, where the value obtained before the result of remedial teaching formative test scores by an average of 56.57 after the remedial teaching of academic achievement held increased to 72.10. The results showed that the remedial teaching provided a positive influence on learning outcomes of student in achieving mastery learning. Thus it is suggested that remedial teaching can be implemented in schools to help students achieve mastery learning." />