dari t tabel (13,46 > 1,9845). Dari hasil perhitungan menggunakan koefisien determinasi sebesar 80,6 yang artinya hubungan kualitas pelayanan dengan kepuasan konsumen adalah 80,6%, sedangkan 19,4% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. English : WILDAN HAKIM, "RELATIONS SERVICE QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN HOTEL KARLITA TEGAL" guided by father M. FAQIHUDIN, SE., M.Si COACH AS I, AND YUNIARTI HERWINARNI, SE, MM AS COACH II, MANAGEMENT COMPANY IN 2011. The purpose of this study is to investigate relationships with Quality of Service Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel Karlita Tegal. The hypothesis of this research is "no significant relationship between Quality of Service with Customer Satisfaction in the Hotel Karlita Tegal. " Sampling was here as much as 100 respondents from an infinite population. The sampling technique in the study by purposive random sampling. The method used in this study using questionnaires and observation. Methods of data analysis used is Pearson correlation. From the analysis of data based on samples conducted in respondents from guests who use the service at the Hotel Karlita Tegal sum obtained by Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.806, which means that the variable quality of service and customer satisfaction variables have a strong relationship. Based on t test of ? / 2 = 0.05 / 2 (0.025) yield that the relationship is significant because the t count> ttable (13.46> 1.9845). From the results of calculation using the coefficient of determination of 80.6 which means the relationship of service quality with customer satisfaction was 80.6 %, while 19.4 %are influenced by other factors not examined in this study ." />